This weekend was our annual camp out with our family up Fairview Canyon. The past two years we had a secluded spot (that we drove the trailers up to a week before Labor Day weekend just so we could save the spot) but this year someone beat us to it! So we went to option #2 - C canyon ridge. As the weekend went on we remembered why we love this spot and why we had camped there for so many years while our kids were growing up. Our names were on almost every tree in this little spot. These pictures below were of our family names carved in this tree back in 1987 and Jason and Krystens back in 2003.

This year we invited my nephew Steven, his wife Katy and their little boy Steller to join us. There is plenty of room up there on those mountains. We had tons of fun sitting around the campfire, going fishing, hiking and cooking our meals in the dutch ovens. Aaron and Holly did make it up Sunday afternoon for dinner but we still haven't been able to talk Brandi and her family to join us. Maybe next year :-)
Here are just a few of the pictures of our fun weekend...
Jason and Wyatt in "Ray"
Gavin just enjoying the shade
Fishing on the rocks
Logan, Haylee and Tia
Steven and Steller
This picture pretty much sums up how many fish Steven caught
Katy and Steller...and Randy in the back pumping gas
Steven teaching Taite how to chop wood
Dominic just kicking back with Tia
This is the "hut" the boys worked on together
Jason giving the crew a break on their beaver pond hike
Hanging out around the campfire
The beaver pond
The yummy raspberry cobbler Jason and Krysten made in the dutch oven
For a minute I thought Kenzie was praying...then I realized she
was just bored!!
I love this picture of Kenzie!! It looks like she is just leaning in space.
Actually, she is leaning on a shovel. you can see...we had an awesome time. Being with the ones you love...out in the beautiful mountains that God created for us to enjoy...what more could you ask!