Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dominics Baptism Day

Today was a very special day for Dominic.  We gathered at the Picket Lane ward house to watch him be baptized by Daniel and confirmed by his Grandpa Randy.  As a person who has come to realize what Heavenly Father's plan is for his children, I am so excited when they choose to make the choices that will bring them back to Him.  When I gave Dominic a hug and told him how proud I was that he had made this choice, he said as only Dominic could "That's what we have to do...follow Jesus...right?" How true those words are and it doesn't make any difference how old you are.  He had lots of people there to be with him on his big day.  After the baptism and comfirmation we gathered for a nice luncheon with family and friends.  Thank you for making good choices Dominic and for letting us share in your special day. Granny and Grandpa love you!!

Anyone who knows Daniel knows that he NEVER smiles for pictures!
And that's when he will even let you take a picture of him!! 
But if you look close, you will see just a little smile in
each of these pictures :-)

1 comment:

Brandi said...

I love that picture of Amy's family. Amy and Daniel each have their own little mini-me's!