Monday, March 28, 2011


For those of you who are not aquainted with the term...FHE stands for Family Home Evening. Randy is the ward clerk in the YSA (Young Single Adults) 8th ward at Snow College. About every three weeks we have the opportunity of having a group of students in our home for a short family home evening and dinner. I must admit that FHE usually falls on a Monday that I think I can't possibly squeeze one more thing into, but the Lord must think it's pretty important because everything usually works out. What amazes me is that these kids are away from home and no one is telling them they need to go to church...they CHOOSE to come to church on Sundays and to FHE all by themselves.  It gives me hope in the youth of today and our leaders of tomorrow.


Brandi said...

I can't believe how long you and Dad have been doing those family home evenings! Just think of how many hungry college students you two have fed!

Debi said...

They are always so grateful for the dinner. This group not only ate and ate, but half of them stayed and watched the whole Jazz game with us. They are an amazing group of valiant young men and women!