Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Tonight was a Laurels and Priests combined activity and the boys let the girls decide if they wanted to have a BBQ or go bowling.  With the way the weather has been lately it was a "NO Brainer" on what they chose to do.  We had quite a group there trying to win the top spot.  I took my ball with me but after my last experience at a bowling alley (I ended up at the St. Marks emergency room after tweeking my back) I decided to leave it in the trunk and just watch. I usually bowl between a 110-130 so I was glad I left the ball outside.  I think the top score was 68 and most of them were around 30-40. But the kids had a good time and they want to do it again.  Maybe I will take a chance and give bowling another shot :-)

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Is it just me or did Sanpete finally update their bowling alley??