Sunday, January 1, 2012

Let The New Year Begin

It's hard to believe it's 2012.  It seems like just yesterday it was December 31,1999 and we were all worried the world was going to end at the stoke of midnight.  Now...twelve years later, life continues as usual.  As I looked over my blog entries from 2011, I am so thankful Brandi encouraged me to start a blog.  For years I have threatened I was going to take all those pictures I have taken and do some scrapbooking, but the pictures still sit in either drawers or boxes collecting dust.  It was awesome to see all the things our family did and all the memories made through pictures and journaling my thoughts.

As I begin this new year there are lots of things I would love to accomplish.  I'd like to love more and hate less. I want to be a little kinder and less judgmental.  I want to enjoy the time I get to spend with my family and make more memories that I can blog about.  I want to cherish every minute my Heavenly Father allows me to stay on this beautiful earth and be more grateful for the many blessings He gives me each and every day.  I want to be more positive and a lot less see the beauty in every living thing.  I want to be a better mother, grandmother, daughter and sister.  And last but not least, I want to be more like the person my Heavenly Father know I can be.  I guess I'll start one step at a baby step at a time.

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