Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hot Time in the Big City

Once a year Randy has to go to Salt Lake for a week and do some re-certification for work and so I get to tag along.  While he is straining his brain, I get to have fun with our kids and grandkids!  It's a tough job but somebody has to do it :-)  We didn't get to spend time with Jason and Krysten this time...Jason was headed south to Mesquite to do a little golfing, but we had a good time with Amy, Brandi and Holly's families.  Monday night Amy and Daniel had us out for some yummy swedish meatballs, Tuesday night we went to dinner with Bea and the boys, Wednesday we met Holly, Aaron, Gavin and Logan at Zupa's and Thursday Brandi and Morgan invited us for a delicious potato leek soup. Then there is the time the kids get to spend in the hotel swimming pool.  While Amy and Brandi were both there and were both in their swimming suits, to stay on friendly terms with my sweet daughters, you won't find any photo's of them...especially since I wouldn't want to find pictures of me in a swimming suit on their blog!  SCAREY!!!!!!!  Holly even came and spent the night in our mini apartment so I could take her to the airport Thursday morning...she was headed for New York...again.

 Ian looks like a young man...oh, wait a minute...he is a young man!!

Our sweet Jonas looks like a little angel!  He spent all of his time in the hot tub.

 I think Tailar really loves her big brother!

The four amigos!  Jonas came out of the hot tub just long enough for me to shoot this picture.


Brandi said...

Nice! I love it when you blog because it's usually a bunch at a time and it's fun to see what everyone has been up to.

PS. I still LOVE that picture of Joans. SOOOOOO cute!

Unknown said...

It's cute everyone takes their kiddies swimming while you're up there. Thanks again for taking me to the Airport and letting me stay with you and Dad at your SUPER fancy mini Apartment/Hotel.